إستضافة المتاجر والويردبريس
High Speed | LSCACH | LiteSpeed | PHPv8 | Redis | Memcache
High Speed | LSCACH | LiteSpeed | PHPv8 | Redis | Memcache
Superb CPU | SSD Nvme | 4 - 8 GB Ram | Unmetered Bandwidth
Shared | DirectAdmin | SSD | PHP | MySQL | Ruby | Nodejs | Python
Shared | Cpanel | PHP | MySQL | Ruby | Nodejs | Python
ASP | .NetCore | SSD Nvme | Remote DB Access | Unmetered Bandwidth
Windows | Plesk | .Net ASP | Java Jsp | Nodejs | PHP | MsSQL
High Speed | LSCACH | LiteSpeed | PHPv8 | Redis | Memcache
Superb CPU | SSD Nvme | 4 - 8 GB Ram | Unmetered Bandwidth
Shared | DirectAdmin | SSD | PHP | MySQL | Ruby | Nodejs | Python
Shared | Cpanel | PHP | MySQL | Ruby | Nodejs | Python
ASP | .NetCore | SSD Nvme | Remote DB Access | Unmetered Bandwidth
Windows | Plesk | .Net ASP | Java Jsp | Nodejs | PHP | MsSQL
Send SMS in WordPress, Quick integration with Brqsms gateway API.
Download plugin from here https://github.com/adammazin/wp-sms
On GitHub click on “Code” then “Download ZIP” and go to your WordPress Website and add new plugin “upload plugin”.
After installation go to plugin “WP SMS or الرسائل النصية” -> settings -> gateway -> then select brqsms.com.
Use your credential and remember to fill ” API username and Sender Number” with your approved “Sender ID“
Send SMS in PHP Projects, Quick integration with Brqsms gateway API.
$curl = curl_init();
$from = "Sender_ID";
$to = "249123325566";
$message = "Salam from Brqsms API";
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => "https://mazinhost.com/smsv1/sms/api",
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "action=send-sms&api_key=YkN0000tUE1qY0J4Y0Z1em5Jemw=&to=$to&from=$from&sms=$message",
$response = curl_exec($curl);
echo $response;
Send SMS in C# Projects, Quick integration with Brqsms gateway API.
private async Task GetAPIReponse()
Dictionary<string, string=""> fields = new Dictionary<string, string="">();
fields.Add("action", "send-sms");
fields.Add("api_key", "YkNEdkNtUE1qY0J4Y0Z1em5Jemw");
fields.Add("from", "Sender_ID");
fields.Add("to", "249912325566");
fields.Add("sms", "Salam from Brqsms API");
fields.Add("Unicode", "0");
var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var serializedResult = serializer.Serialize(fields);
var data = new StringContent(serializedResult, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
var httpclient = new HttpClient();
httpclient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("", "");
var response = await httpclient.PostAsync("https://mazinhost.com/smsv1/sms/api", data);
string page = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
return page;
Send SMS in Python Projects, Quick integration with Brqsms gateway API.
import http.client
import mimetypes
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("mazinhost.com/smsv1/sms/api")
payload = 'action=send-sms&api_key=YkNEdkNtUE1qY0J4Y0Z1em5Jemw=&from=Sender_ID&to=249123325566&sms=Salam from Brqsms API'
headers = {
'': ''
conn.request("POST", "/v2/message", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data = res.read()
Parameter | Type | Description |
string | Unique Key use for Authentication and you can generate it on API Page |
Parameter | Type | Description |
string | Sender (from) to send the message Ex. Brqsms Sender ID must be registered in your account. You can register your company name as Sender ID from New Sender form in the dashboard |
mobile number | Format mobile number without a + and a country code, (E.249format). e.g, a Sudan number would have the format 24199123325566. A KSA number would have the format 96650000000. |
string | Your Message text. Each SMS message can hold a maximum of 160 characters including spaces, if you there is Arabic characters can hold a maximum of 70 characters including spaces, the maximum number of characters you can write down is 800 (around 5 SMS). |
int | if your text contain symbols or Arabic characters then should be equal 1. |
Ultimate SMS API return response with json format, like:
{"code":"ok","message":"Successfully Send"}
Status | Message |
ok |
Successfully Send |
100 |
Bad gateway requested |
101 |
Wrong action |
102 |
Authentication failed |
103 |
Invalid phone number |
104 |
Phone coverage not active |
105 |
Insufficient balance |
106 |
Invalid Sender ID |
107 |
Invalid SMS Type |
108 |
SMS Gateway not active |
109 |
Invalid Schedule Time |
110 |
Media url required |
111 |
SMS contain spam word. Wait for approval |
$schedule_date = '09/17/2018 10:20 AM'; //Date like this format: m/d/Y h:i A
$unicode = '1'; //For Unicode message
the number we are sending to – Any phone number
$destination = '249123325566';
For multiple number please use Comma (,) after every single number.
$destination = '2491230000000,2491232000000,249123320000,249123325566';